Adam Kwela

Institute of Mathematics
University of Gdańsk
ul. Wita Stwosza 57
80-308 Gdańsk, Poland
Welcome to my page!
My research interests:
Applications of Set Theory, combinatorics of ideals on countable sets, small subsets of the real line, Haar-null sets, attractors of IFSs.
Submitted preprints:
- J. Gulgowski, A. Kwela, J. Tryba,
Compactness in spaces of functions of bounded variation from ideal perspective,
submitted. - A. Kwela, J. Swaczyna,
Zoo of filter Schauder bases,
submitted. - R. Filipów, A. Kwela, P. Leonetti,
Borel complexity of sets of ideal limit points,
submitted. - J. Gulgowski, A. Kwela, J. Tryba,
Functions of bounded variation from ideal perspective,
submitted. - R. Filipów, A. Kwela,
Spaces not distinguishing ideal pointwise and σ-uniform convergence,
Accepted articles:
- A. Kwela,
More on yet another ideal version of the bounding number,
to appear in Journal of Symbolic Logic, DOI: 10.1017/jsl.2024.70 - R. Filipów, K. Kowitz, A. Kwela,
A unified approach to Hindman, Ramsey and van der Waerden spaces,
to appear in Journal of Symbolic Logic, DOI: 10.1017/jsl.2024.8
Published articles:
- K. Kowitz, A. Kwela,
Ultrafilters and the Katětov order,
Topology and its Applications 361 (2025), 109191, DOI: 10.1016/j.topol.2024.109191 - A. Kwela,
Egorov ideals,
Topology and its Applications 358 (2024), 109112. - R. Filipów, K. Kowitz, A. Kwela,
Katětov order between Hindman, Ramsey and summable ideals,
Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (2024), 859—876, DOI: 10.1007/s00153-024-00924-7. - R. Filipów, A. Kwela, J. Tryba,
The ideal test for the divergence of a series,
RACSAM 117 (2023), 98. - A. Kwela,
Unboring ideals,
Fundamenta Mathematicae 261 (2023), 235—272, DOI: 10.4064/fm44-2-2023. - A. Kwela,
On a conjecture of Debs and Saint Raymond,
Fundamenta Mathematicae 260 (2023), 67—76, DOI: 10.4064/fm111-5-2022 - R. Filipów, K. Kowitz, A. Kwela,
Characterizing existence of certain ultrafilters,
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (2022), 103157, DOI: 10.1016/j.apal.2022.103157 - P. Klinga, A. Kwela,
Porosities of the sets of attractors,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 514 (2022), 126348 - A. Kwela,
On extendability toideals,
Archive for Mathematical Logic, 61 (2022), 881—890, DOI: 10.1007/s00153-022-00822-w - P. Klinga, A. Kwela,
Borel complexity of the family of attractors for weak IFSs,
Acta Mathematica Hungarica 166 (2022), 124—141, DOI: 10.1007/s10474-021-01199-7 - P. Klinga, A. Kwela,
Comparison of the sets of attractors for systems of contractions and weak contractions,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 155 (2022), 111764 - A. Kwela, P. Leonetti,
Density-Like and Generalized Density Ideals,
Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (2022), 228—251, DOI: 10.1017/jsl.2021.95 - R. Filipów, K. Kowitz, A. Kwela J. Tryba,
New Hindman spaces,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 150 (2022), 891—902 - R. Filipów, A. Kwela,
Yet another ideal version of the bounding number,
Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (2022), 1065—1092, DOI: 10.1017/jsl.2021.69 - A. Kwela,
Inductive limits of ideals,
Topology and its Applications 300 (2021), 107798. - A. Kwela, W. Wołoszyn,
Differentiability of continuous functions in terms of Haar-smallness,
Topology and its Applications 284 (2020), 107353 - A. Kwela,
Haar-smallest sets,
Topology and its Applications 267 (2019), 106892. - P. Klinga, A. Kwela, M. Staniszewski,
Size of the set of attractors for iterated function systems,
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 128 (2019), 104—107 - A. Kwela, M. Popławski, J. Swaczyna, J. Tryba,
Properties of simple density ideals,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 477 (2019), 551—575 - K. Bose, P. Das, A. Kwela,
Generating new ideals using weighted density via modulus functions,
Indagationes Mathematicae 29 (2018), 1196—1209 - A. Kwela,
Ideal weak QN-spaces,
Topology and its Applications 240 (2018), 98—115. - A. Kwela,
Erdös-Ulam ideals vs. simple density ideals,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 462 (2018), 114—130 - A. Kwela, J. Tryba,
Homogeneous ideals on countable sets,
Acta Mathematica Hungarica 151 (2017), 139—161 - A. Kwela, M. Staniszewski,
Ideal equal Baire classes,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 451 (2017), 1133—1153 - A. Kwela, P. Zakrzewski,
Combinatorics of ideals — selectivity versus density,
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 58 (2017), 261—266
Unpublished extended version of this paper. - A. Kwela,
Additivity of the ideal of microscopic sets,
Topology and its Applications 204 (2016), 51—62. - K. Czudek, A. Kwela, N. Mrożek, W. Wołoszyn,
Ideal-like properties of generalized microscopic sets,
Acta Mathematica Hungarica 150 (2016), 269—285 - A. Kwela,
A note on a new ideal,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 430 (2015), 932—949. - A. Kwela, M. Sabok,
Topological representations,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 422 (2015), 1434—1446 - A. Kwela, I. Recław,
Ranks of-limits of filter sequences,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 398 (2013), 872—878