Dr. hab. Andreas Zastrow, prof. UG 1 ...................... (root-page)

Please observe that the phone-number of my office has been changed . The last two digits are to be replaced by "94".

Due to the recent change of the main-number of the university the phone-umber of my office is now (058)523-2594 from Poland and +48-58-523-2594 from abroad.
This web-page contains two types of information
  • Information for fellow-researchers (in the English language)
  • Information for my students (in the Polish language) [Informacje dla moich studentow (po polsku)]
    Andreas Zastrow, 28.10.2004, last update: 10.10.2006

    1 since November 2010

    Updates: (Beginning of 2025)

  • With the turn of the year 2024/25 I had to move office (after having been 25 years in the same one). I am now in A306 (but still in the same building).
  • Having to move offices implied that at the time of posting these updates, I was loosing my office-phone. Currently there is now way (neither from inside, nor from outside the university) to phone to my new office (other than via my private cell phone, whose number I am not going to post here). There are plans to reinstall the phone based on a more modern technique (internet-phone), but sometimes these adventures take their time.
  • The current form of my email-adress is


    Older forms of my email-adress (that still can be found on some priorly created subpages of this webpage), e.g. forms with ...@univ.gda.pl, with, ...@math..., ...@mat...., or starting with mataz@..... , might still work as long as the system administrators are keeping these forms as aliasses in our email system. But it is beyond my control, whether they still will work.

  • Special hint for students: Please do not use forms of my email-address which contain something like "staff" or "staffms". They belong to a valid, but completely separate account, that does not allow to set an autoforward to the above-metioned main account. I.e., if you send send some message there, it should get delivered, but might lay there for months before I am accidently finding it. I am mentioning this, because I know that some student-systems propose you precisely this address. If this should happen, please change the address to the above given main account. This is the only account that I am usually checking on a daily basis.
  • Today a lot of systems (e.g. Portal Studencki, E-uczelnia, TEAMS, Skype,.....) offer their own messaging systems. I am not logging in to these systems on a daily basis, to check whether there are some messages. Any message sent there will only be found, when I should have some other reason to log into these systems. If you want, that I find your message quickly, please use the above mentioned main e-mail address.
  • Although the mathematical institute is still, where it was 25 years ago, due to an internal reorganization of the mail-system, letters to the institute should now be sent with the postal code "80-308".
  • I am aware, that I had in the past more than ten years been neglecting updating the "fellow-researchers" branch of my web-page. Well, I did not change my empoyer, so there was no reason to update the curriculum vitae, and usually my coauthors posted my papers in the ArXiV or on their web-pages, so I did not feel a need to do it again on this page. When composing the above list, I noted that the above mentioned updates are still erroneously posted on older sub-webpages. I have during the coming half year some reason to review what I have done during the past 25 years in Gda\'nsk, and I hope that in the course of this I will also slowly get the other webpages more up-to-date.
  • Andreas Zastrow, 7. Jan. 2025