Dear all! For adapting my life to the needs of epidemic times and to also comply with the demands of the university to give my classes and my consultations for the students on-line, I have given up the policy of not having internet in my home. Meanwhile my flat is connected to the internet, and I am able to receive and send internet from my home. Also, Skype should in principle work. However, if you do not happen to know me, your first contect should be via email, my main email account is ""; if I think that direct talking should be advisable, I will send you my skype data. For those who know me and are not my students: Please avoid for skyping the times Wednesday, 2pm-4pm (when I have to teach the only class that I need to teach during this summer term) & Thursday, 2pm-4pm (when I have to give the online-consultations for students, except, if you are a student) Andreas Zastrow (mid-April 2020) ______________________________________________________ (Update mid-June 2020) Now, after the end of the teaching phase I have moved my on-line consultations to Tuesday, o godz. 11-13. I will try to make sure to be available during these times as described above till mid-Augsut. Then till the start of the winter term I have taken holidays. However, usually I am also answerring to email durimg holiday-times. Andreas Zastrow (Update end of June 2020) On Tuesday, 30^th of June I have to join a commissions-meeting. I expect just a routine-buisiness, which should not keep me more than 20 minutes, before I can open/observe the chanals for my on-line consultations. Andreas Zastrow