Contact Research Projects Teaching Events

Organising activity:

Modern Methods for Differential Equations of Quantum Mechanics - workshop in Banff (BIRS),
21-26.IV.2024, Banff, Canada
WWW: Banff - workshop

Computational mathematics for partial differential equations: theory and applications- Mini-symposium at ECMI2023,
26-30.VI.2023, Wroclaw, Poland
WWW: ECMI 2023

Computations in quantum mechanics- Mini-symposium at SciCADE,
25-29.VII.2022, Reykjavík, Iceland
WWW: SciCADE 2022

Computational Mathematics in Gdańsk - summer school,
3-9.VII.2022, Gdańsk, Poland
WWW: SummerSchool2022.html

30th Birthday of Acta Numerica - conference,
26.VI-2.VII.2022, Będlewo, Poland
WWW: ActaNumerica.html

Computational Mathematics for the 21st Century - Simons Semester,
VI-VIII.2022, Poland
WWW: in preparation

XII FORUM of Partial Differential Equations - conference,
19-25.X.2021, Będlewo, Poland
WWW: www.impan.pl/en/activities/banach-center/conferences/21-xiiforumpde

Computational Mathematics for Quantum Mechanics - LMS Joint Research Group,
2020 - 2021, UK, Germany, Poland
WWW: https://www.pranavsingh.co.uk/cmqm

Numerical Solution of Integral and Differential Equations, - workshop,
17-19.VII.2019, Gdańsk, Poland
WWW: https://math.la.asu.edu/~nside2019/

Modern Numerical Methods for Quantum Mechanics - workshop,
27-29.VI.2018, University of Gdańsk
WWW: workshop2018.html

Modern Numerical Methods for Quantum Mechanics - workshop,
20-22.III.2017, IM PAN, Warsaw, Poland
WWW: workshop2017